Saturday, March 29, 2014

When do you pray? #didyouthinktopray

Prayer is a powerful tool and often times it is so underused. I see a good number of posts on Facebook and Twitter of friends requesting prays to help them through certain situations. It is great to see that others are not afraid to ask for your prayers. And it is so great that people respond saying that they'll pray for them. How many times do we really go and pray for that friend though? Life gets busy and we forget. I would challenge you that the next time a friend asks for a prayer and you say that you'll pray for them, just do it, right then. Don't let life get in the way of you conversing with your loving God, and you asking Him to help your friend that He and you both care about. And you need help, go pray. Your Heavenly Father would love to hear from you, and would love to help you with through your stress, and hear a thank you for the things he has giving you.  
It is important to remember that prayer isn't restricted to one religion or another, God wants to hear from all of his children. We can all pray to our Heavenly Father. 

While surfing YouTube videos I found this great video on prayer that I wanted to share. 


When do you pray?

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Computer Art

This past weekend our internet went down. I noticed Saturday morning when I was eating breakfast and trying to read some blogs. I didn't look into it because I had to go to work. The internet being down didn't affect anyone at home much because it was a busy day. Carey and the kids went on a cub scout activity in the morning and then they came out to my work and had lunch with me. It was Saturday evening before it became an issue. When I got home from work I tried trouble shooting it on my own. I didn't have much luck, so I left the modem and router unplugged all night. On Sunday morning when I plugged everything back in the modem wouldn't even come back on. I found a different plug and that got the modem to come on. Still no internet though. I gave up and called tech support. Wouldn't you know, they told me that my modem was toast. So Monday I got the pleasure of buying a new modem. 

Since my old modem was toast, I took it apart and recycled the parts. 
  1. The plastic casing went into the blue recycle bin. 
  2. And the circuit board became art for my boys' room. 

Feeling Artsy?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Girl Scout Cookies

If you are like me, you have to control yourself this time of year. I love Girl Scout cookies and they can easily cost me a lot of money. The cookies are delicious and I've been told that the money helps pay for their Scouting activities, so it is easily justified in my mind. 
This year I did something different. I read the stuff printed on the box. I was confused when I read this side. 
It states that "Selling Girl Scout Cookies helps girls develop 5 skills that they use throughout their lives". The part that I'm confused by is that this year like most I have purchased 6 boxes of cookies and haven't yet had a transaction involving a Girl Scout. It is almost always their parent or leader doing the selling. How does this help the Girl Scout learn "Goal Setting, Decision Making, Money Management, People Skills, or Business Ethics"? 
This might completely change who I'm buying Girl Scout Cookies from. 
If you are involved in Girl Scouts please clear this up for me.