Here are a few pics from my 4-wheelin trip to Imogene pass with my brother. That's his cool Jeep in the first picture.

There is my Toyota at the top of a little hill, where we stopped to look in an abandoned mine.

The next three pictures are of Carsyn at the spot on the trail that we stopped for lunch. It was a good spot for lunch, even though it was choosen because of water in the engine of my truck and one of the other guys Jeep. Carsyn loved climbing all over the old building, fence and rocks.

Carsyn had so much fun, mostly when we weren't driving.

Mmmm, Lunch.

This is my truck and the 13114 foot pass.
What a view there was from here.
Even though Jeff had to tow out one of the Jeeps it was a fun trail. And I finnally got to use my CB that I bought along time ago. In Idaho everyone I went anywhere with was on the ham radio. I put the CB in my truck for when I went 4-wheelin with non-hams, and it worked, just don't get to far apart.